Big Kingdom Dreams

I'm a compulsive planner. I love lists. I love plans. Crossing things off of to-do lists gives me life. It's a sweet, simple joy really. Ah, satisfaction!

I make lists for lots of things; if there's a small cause for a list, I'm all over it.

I found a new cause recently. I was inspired by Mark Batterson's book The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears. A super great lady once told me to read it, so I did. He talks about lots of things (mostly prayer though). One thing he talked about (or wrote about really) is a life goal list. He devoted pages of his book to explaining the advantages to such a thing. He won me over in the first paragraph.

Here's a few of his points:
  1. "Goal setting is good stewardship of your right-brain imagination. It's also great for your prayer life" (p. 176).
  2. "Goals are the cause and effect of praying hard. On the front end, prayer is a goal incubator. The more you pray, the more God-sized goals you'll be inspired to go after. But prayer doesn't just inspire godly goals, it also ensures that you keep praying hard because it is the only way you'll accomplish a God-sized goal. Simply put prayers naturally turn into goals, and goals naturally turn into prayers. Goals give you a prayer target" (p. 176).
  3. "Finally, setting goals is a practical way of dreaming big. If prayer is the genesis of dreams, then goals are the revelation" (p. 177).
  4. "The simple act of imagining doesn't just remap your mind; it forms a map. And that is the purpose of goal setting. If dreams are the destination, goals are the GPS that get you there" (p. 179).
  5. "At some point in the process of goal setting, you need to muster the courage to verbalize it. That act of verbalization is an act of faith. When you write down a goal, it holds you accountable... A written prayer requires more faith [than a spontaneous, spoken prayer] because it's harder to write it than say it" (p. 183).
  6. "Nothing cements a relationship like a shared goal. Goals are relational glue. And God set the standard with the Great Commission. ["Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'" - Matthew 28:18-20] If you want to grow closer to God, go after the God-sized goal He set nearly two thousand years ago" (p. 183).
  7. "The Aramaic word for prayer means 'to set a trap.' Prayer is the way we take thoughts and dreams and ideas captive" (p. 187).
I want to dream big. I want to set a trap. I'm aiming for big Kingdom dreams. Why not? I want God-sized goals, goals that are only achievable through Him, not me.

So below is my list of big Kingdom dreams and life goals. It's by no means complete; it will forever be a work in progress. Some of those things may never happen, and that's okay. Really, I just want to bring glory to the Glorious One. Whatever doesn't get crossed off, probably won't get crossed off because it doesn't bring Him all of the glory. So, the delay ends. Here's my first life goals list (in no particular order):
  • Visit all continents (other than Antarctica)
  • Adopt nationally and internationally
  • Work or volunteer at a Young Life camp
  • Help create better social policies/programs for the homeless
  • Get an MSW (Masters in Social Work)
  • Go to school for theological training
  • Get doctorate
  • Write a book
  • Serve in Russia
  • Have a long-term pen pal
  • Visit YL in Latin America
  • Visit YL in Africa
  • Compose an album of music
  • Be involved in a book club
  • Read a book each month
  • Learn to knit (well)
  • Learn to play the cello
  • Be involved in a pit orchestra for community theater
  • Be involved in a summer band
  • Refurbish an old saxophone
  • Become a regular at a coffee shop so I can create a special and befriend the baristas
  • Help translate the Bible into a "new" language
  • Teach at the collegiate level
  • Willingly sing in front of a group of people
  • Find a bonding activity for me and my dad
  • Reach out to an unreached people group
  • Road trip to Canada
  • Go on a sailing excursion
  • Visit the Boundary Waters
  • Shave my head for a purpose that glorifies God
  • Read Roald Dahl's books to my children, nieces and nephews, or friends' children (whichever are applicable)
  • Learn how to pronounce Greek
  • Become fluent in another language
  • Manuscript the entire New Testament
  • Learn how to bake bread
Some of those things are honestly just ridiculously petty and unnecessary. But that's the fun in dreaming. Some of those things are so big they're scary. But I think they're necessary dreams. Yikes. Yet, I'm excited to see where this all leads. I can confidently say (or type) that I know it'll be a good journey leading to a great place. I know God has big things in store for me and for you. We just need to be willing to pray about them and follow Him into the unknown, even when it's so big and Kingdomy that it's scary.

What are your big Kingdom dreams? What are your life goals? What traps does God want you to set? What things is He asking you to circle in prayer?

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