Liar, Liar

I am blessed with really wonderful friends who are beautifully intentional. 

One of these intentional friends started asking me one particular, intentional question about a year ago which has changed my perspective on life, God, and Satan.

She simply asks, "What lies have you been believing lately?"

I know I will hear that question at least every other week. And as I've heard the question in the majority of our Skype dates, I sometimes think about my answer outside of conversations with her. 

The question "What lies have you been believing lately?" has changed my perspective on so many things because it has shown me that I believe oodles of lies. Lies about me, God, my identity, my friends, my family, my job, and so much more. Ick.

Sometimes, I think I'm doing really good in believing truths. I felt that way last week. I was thinking about lies in my mind, and thought, "Wow. I don't think I am believing any lies right now." I couldn't think of a single lie that had been floating around in my head. 

Then I got a message from a friend who I hadn't spoken to in a few weeks. She missed me. And I was surprised to hear that. 

We Skyped shortly after that message, and I quickly said, "I am sorry. I've been believing a lot of lies about our friendship lately." 

Her response was along the idea of "You say that a lot."


You see, I had convinced myself that since she and I were so far apart, our friendship no longer mattered. I decided that it was superficial; she had plenty of other friends, and I was simply a friend for a season to fill a small need in her life. Stupid lie.

My friend loves me. We connected because we could meet some of each other's needs in one short season. Even though the original need is no longer there, our friendship still matters. 

The worst part about my doubt of her friendship is that it happens on a regular basis. She has heard me say, "I'm sorry, but I've been believing a lot of lies about our friendship lately" about as often as she has heard me shout, "Poophead!" (I call her Poophead as if it's on her birth certificiate...)

And just the day before this realization, I had been thinking my mind was lie-free. 

Sometimes that is how lies work: you believe you're fine. The big lies are gone, and you just have those tiny lies that can so easily go unnoticed - like a small cold or intestinal worms. Something is happening that changes your understanding and perspective, but it's so small that you don't even notice it... until it grows, and then the pain becomes intolerable and the damage is done. 

I wish it was easier to sort out truth and lies. I want to intake thoughts and words that are pre-sorted like this:

But instead it all comes in one way, and I have to discern truth from lies. Thankfully, I don't have to do it alone; the Holy Spirit and the Word help. The Spirit and the Word are enough, but God blesses me with more. I also have fantastic people in my life who continue to ask me questions and extend grace when I give into lies and doubt. 

I am so grateful for people who will continue to ask me the hard questions and point me toward truth. They continue to remind me of what the enemy is like. Jesus describes the devil in John 8:44b; "He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies." Remaining consistent with his character, he whispers small (and big) lies to us as if they were are own thoughts.

Thankfully, God remains consistent with his character as well. In John 14:6, Jesus describes himself saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."

And so I am going to choose to cling to truth by clinging to Jesus.

Because my friend is wonderfully wise and intentional, she doesn't just end the conversation after listing lies; she then asks, "What are some truths in response to those lies?"

The truth matters. And it is always better than the lies. That's why we should speak them. Hearing the truth reminds us how ridiculous the lies are. So I continue to remind myself that my other friend loves me. Our friendship matters, and it will last even if we are never living on the same continent. I have to remind myself of many other truths, but that's my most recent one.

What lies have you been believing lately? What are some truths in response to those lies?

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