Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Since I left South Dakota in September, I have realized that I miss many things and people from home. 

I really, really miss my dad. 

Saying goodbye to him last month when I came back to Eastern Europe was difficult and painful. I have missed my dad throughout my oversea experiences.

And today is my dad's birthday. It's not a special number, and to him, "it's just another day." But as I keep looking at the calendar, I can't stop celebrating the fact that Brad is alive and he is my dad. So I figured today is a great day to introduce you to my daddy. 

Maybe you know him. Maybe you don't. Either way, you probably don't know him as I know him.

My dad is a quiet man. If you're a friend who has met him in passing, you might be considering if you have ever heard him speak. You might not have. My best friend from high school visited my house often, and it wasn't until she ran into our living room screaming for me that she finally heard my dad laugh and talk. She was so excited. It took a year or two, but she heard my dad speak. He's a quiet man, and I really appreciate that. It makes his words have even more meaning.

There are many parental occupations that are helpful to children and young adults. My dad is a mechanic, and I am of the opinion that that is the best occupation for a dad to have. My dad fixes my car often. And he doesn't make fun of me when I call him in confusion mimicking the crazy sounds my car makes. My impersonation is terrible, but my dad still figures it out and gets me back on the road.  

My dad can grow an epic beard. I greatly admire beards solely because my dad has one. And sometimes when it is windy, he puts it in a ponytail. He did that when he helped me move out of my dorm once, and I was so proud to claim him as my dad around all of the other dads helping students move. 

Even though my dad is quiet, he has a ridiculous sense of humor. When I graduated from high school, he wore a Hawaiian shirt and a sombrero in an attempt to embarrass me. I just thought he was even more awesome. 

He wore the same shirt to my college graduation, but he left the sombrero behind. The epic beard made up for the lacking hat though.

My dad has instilled in me (and his other children) a love for all things Mopar. The original Dukes of Hazzard and car shows will always be sweet memories of my childhood. And I will continue to stop at the Hot Wheels aisle whenever I walk through the toy section of any store. He taught me well like that. (If I was at home, I would include the picture hanging on the fridge of me and my siblings wearing our "Kids Like Chargers Too!" shirts that my dad got us from Mopar Nationals one year. He gifts great car clothes. Coincidentally, I am wearing one of his gifted car shirts today.)

My dad was relatively young when I was born. I think that makes our relationship even more special. He reminds me in nearly every card that I will always be his baby, and I am so thankful that my dad cares for me that much. 

My dad cherishes our dog. They have a special relationship. It makes me laugh to see my dad wrestle with a little lap dog. But he loves the dog. My dad's a softie. He looks like a big, tough dude, but he's got a really soft heart. It's easy to see when he plays with dogs and kids.

Because of my dad's intense facial hair, children either adore him or are terrified of him. I love listening to my little cousins talk and giggle about their uncle Brad. They love him a lot. I am sure that if my dad ever has grandchildren, they will love him a lot too. He's a fun guy.

My dad has taught me more about commitment than any other person. This is something I understand more and more as I get older. My family has gone through really difficult times. My parents' marriage has gone through really difficult times. The world would have said he could quit and everyone would understand. But my dad didn't quit. He remained committed to my mom and on her side through hard stuff. He always defended her. He believed in her, and he showered her with love. 

Through that commitment, my dad has taught me more about the concept of faithfulness and a lifelong marriage. Through that commitment, my dad has shown me more of God's commitment to us. Just like my dad didn't give up on my mom, our Heavenly Dad doesn't give up on us. 

My dad also never gave up on me. He has loved me well. He sacrificed a lot to love me well, and he continues to do so. He checks my mail and files my taxes for me while I live overseas, and he makes sure my car is fully functioning before I arrive home. My dad's a selfless guy.

I am so thankful that my dad is that guy and so much more.

Happy birthday, Daddy! I hope you learn how to celebrate your life even more today. I'll keep celebrating on this side of the ocean! And I hope next year is a time where we can celebrate together in person!

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, You couldn't have described your Dad any better. He is truly one of a know and very special. You are in our thoughts and prayers. LOL Glen and Joyce
