NaNoWriMo for the Win

It's November 30. National Novel Writing Month ends today. I won! My word count is officially 50,005. My Google doc is 87 pages. 

You may be thinking, "That's great, Kayla. But what does that mean?"

Great question! 

You may be thinking, "Thank you!"

You're welcome!

Winning means you get fun, insignificant, but still pretty neat things like these:
  • A purple progress bar that says "WINNER!"

  • A winner's certificate - this is official stuff, friends!

  • Fun pictures to share your excitement with the world

  • A delightful video of the NaNoWriMo staff and interns congratulating you
  • A chance to buy a winner's shirt 
  • Tips on what to do post-NaNoWriMo
Some of you may be thinking, "That's it? You did all of that writing for that?"

Yes, that is it. But no, I didn't write for that stuff. I wrote because I thought it would be a fun adventure. I wrote to see if I could actually write 50,000 words in 30 days while traveling and working full-time. I found out I can. And it wasn't nearly as stressful as my college experience.

I am still surprised that I could write something that long. The novel isn't even done yet. I struggled meeting page length requirements on the majority of my papers in college, and my novel will definitely surpass the word count of NaNoWriMo. I have maybe a 4th of the novel left to write. Maybe less. We'll find out. 

I'm excited about finishing the story of Emily Ann. I'm excited to write solely for the joy of writing now. 

I'm also excited to do other things with my life and not feel like my free time should be invested in writing. No word count quotas to meet each day. This is beautiful!

Now that NaNoWriMo is officially done, I hope to 
  • start blogging about real life things happening outside of my computer again
  • be better at Skyping friends back home
  • read for fun
  • explore the world outside of my apartment
  • maybe even start going to bed at a decent hour (I doubt it will happen, but it's possible.)
Feel free to hold me accountable to such things. And if you have suggestions for other things I should do this December, let me know! 

Happy end of November, friends!

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