Writer's Block, Caffeine Overdose, and Musical Inspiration

I've really been enjoying NaNoWriMo. Overall, I've been about on track with my word count so far. As of this moment, I'm at 13,325 words and 22 pages. See:

In the last few days, I've realized some few more things through this writing process:

  1. I like writing. I really, really like writing. Yep. No further explanation necessary there.
  2. I am attached to this novel. Emily Ann is almost always on my mind. I find myself thinking about her and her life while I'm on the bus or walking around town. When I write about hard things, I want to cry. Yep. No shame. I am potentially too invested, folks. I just tell myself it'll be over soon and until then, we'll pretend like it's not a problem. If it becomes an official problem, I'm sure someone will intervene. Right?
  3. 1,667 words per day isn't too bad. If I sit down and actually write, it can be done fairly quickly.
  4. Writer's block is an interesting thing. It comes at odd times. I have it right now. I don't know where the story should go, so I'm blogging. At least I'm writing about something, right?... Okay, I'll write for NaNoWriMo after this. Really, I will.
  5. I am sleeping less because of this novel. Not because I want to though. I just can't quit thinking about it. The other night, I went to bed earlier than normal (meaning 11:30...). I was exhausted, but I couldn't quit thinking about Emily Ann. Then I had an idea. I knew where my story was going. I was mentally writing. That's not fun. So I got out of bed and wrote for an hour. It was my best writing run yet. I am sleeping less, but I think it's worth it.
  6. It's hard to maintain relationships with people overseas, work, explore a new culture, write a novel, and actually rest at the same time. I'm glad writing is restful to me.
  7. I have been drinking more tea and coffee. Warm drinks makes writing more exciting.
  8. Caffeine makes it harder to fall asleep at night. It's almost midnight. I haven't written anything for NaNoWriMo today, and I am wide awake. The caffeine will be helpful in cranking out some words before sleep.
  9. I have really awesome people in my life that are willing to talk about Emily Ann and my writing process with me. I am so thankful that this doesn't have to just stay between my head and my computer.
  10. One of those awesome friends is reading it as I write. She has to deal with many grammatical errors, but she's willing to do it. She thinks Emily Ann is believable. I am so relieved by that. I was afraid she would hate it, but she doesn't yet. Or it least she's kindly lying to me if she does.
  11. I don't know what to write today. I'm currently listening to the musical "Next to Normal" for inspiration. I am planning on blogging about the musical later. It will probably in December. November is a little busy!
  12. I'm behind on blogging about real life things because of writing my novel. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the blog post ideas floating around in my mind, but it'll be okay. You'll read a lot about Emily Ann and writing this month, and you will hear a lot about life overseas next month. Deal?
  13. I believe God has something in store for this novel. I don't know what yet, but I think it's going to last beyond November 2013. It might just transform me into a stronger adoption advocate, but it might be something more than even that. We'll find out later.
If you have any plot suggestions (or title suggestions) let me know! I could use some help today.

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